Critique on the Ideologifying Phenomena of the Olympic Games -From the Viewpoint of the pure Olympisme- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 올림픽의 이데올로기 형성(形成)에 대(對)한 비판(批判) - Olympisme의 본질적(本質的) 측면(側面)으로부터 -
27(1) 5-12, 1988
Critique on the Ideologifying Phenomena of the Olympic Games -From the Viewpoint of the pure Olympisme- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 올림픽의 이데올로기 형성(形成)에 대(對)한 비판(批判) - Olympisme의 본질적(本質的) 측면(側面)으로부터 -
The purpose of this paper was, first, to notice the definition or the spirit of the Olympisme, a philosophical idea of olympic games which was inspired by baron Couvertin`s universal conceptions of the Olympiad.
Secondly, to investigate the appearance and overwhelming powers of the so-called olympic ideology which could be devided into two categories. commercialism and political power. They apparently have influence upon whole olympic culture, significantly and negatively at the same time. They might be differentiated from the terminological sense of Marxism, but they ought to be sublated just for the realization of the Olympisme, essence of Couvertin`s philosophy.
Thirdly, to survey the phenomena, i.e., formation and progress of this commercialism and political ideology in the critical sense for the benefit of the olympisme. These phenomena could be represented as so-called commercial game and which obviously destory as well pure amateurism as global peace in and through the sport.
Last, to criticize the politicization of the olympiad manifested as olympic-boycott without it`s aimed political influence like the onlympiads in Moscow and Los Angeles. All these unwanted real factors for the ideal olympisme demand us to reflect on the whole valuesystem of us.
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A Study on the Actual Condition of Leadership Spread and Formation a View of Worth of Recreation 인문 · 사회과학편 : Recreation의 가치관형성(價値觀形成) 및 지도(指導) 보급실태(普及實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -대학생(大學生) 남녀(男女) Ⅱ급지도자(級指導者)의 반응(反應)을 중심(中心)으로 -
27(1) 13-27, 1988
A Study on the Actual Condition of Leadership Spread and Formation a View of Worth of Recreation 인문 · 사회과학편 : Recreation의 가치관형성(價値觀形成) 및 지도(指導) 보급실태(普及實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -대학생(大學生) 남녀(男女) Ⅱ급지도자(級指導者)의 반응(反應)을 중심(中心)으로 -
1. Purpose
The purpose of this study were to offer new consciousness inspiration and leadership data for population reisure and recreation activities, and were to understand view of worth and the actual condition of spread of second class leaders.
2. Method
Subjects was inquired into 329 male and 357 female university students(licensed second class recreation leader).
3. Result
1) Subjects have lack of knowledge acquirment on reisure and recreation and recreation showed very wide the curriculum.
2) Recreation were inclined to hobby and character, and necessary reason of life many were answered cutivation of emotion.
3) Most difficult field of leadership were inclined to speech and music, and most difficult objects were guidance of old men and the physically handicaped persons.
4) Emphasis of leadership were inclined to progress of program, and reason of recreation spread were inclined to game.
5) Recreation eduation many answered proper junior high school time, and necessity of education many answered heath aducation of physical and mental, and irregularity provent.
6) Leadership for recreation necessitate variant education on ideology education and sports etc.
7) Recreation spread plan many answered to establish department of study of university and facilities of region.
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An Analysis of Psychological Conflicts Felt by Ball-players in Play for Coaching 인문 · 사회과학편 : Coaching을 위한 구기선수(球技選手)들의 시합시(試合時) 갈등심리분석(葛藤心理分析)
27(1) 29-37, 1988
An Analysis of Psychological Conflicts Felt by Ball-players in Play for Coaching 인문 · 사회과학편 : Coaching을 위한 구기선수(球技選手)들의 시합시(試合時) 갈등심리분석(葛藤心理分析)
1. Research goal
The aim of this study is to explore coaching resources by analyzing the momentary psychological conflicts felt by ball-players during play.
2. Research Methods
This study is based upon the methods of introspection and literature analysis.
3. Research results
Since the success of a play depends chiefly on psychological factors, the coach has to grasp the psychological conflicts of each player during the game.
Psychological conflicts clarified by this study consist of those between pairs of factors
1) Ego in conflicts
(1) exhibitionism and self-repression
(2) tension and resolution
(3) attention and looseness
(4) willingness to pain and pain avoidance
2) Social conflicts
(1) autonomy and heteronomy
(2) competition and cooperation
(3) self-confidence and pressure
(4) willingness to win and desire for self praise
(5) attention to game and external inhibition
The most advisable strategy for a coach is to minimize the unnecessary factors and to simulate or maximize the favorable factors for the psychological management of players in play.
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A Study of Consciousness of Physical Education and Actual Conditions of its Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 산업체(産業體) 근로자(勤勞者)의 체육의식(體育意識)과 활동(活動) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -공단(工團) 남녀(男女) 근로자(勤勞者)의 반응(反應)을 중심(中心)으로 -
27(1) 39-55, 1988
A Study of Consciousness of Physical Education and Actual Conditions of its Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 산업체(産業體) 근로자(勤勞者)의 체육의식(體育意識)과 활동(活動) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -공단(工團) 남녀(男女) 근로자(勤勞者)의 반응(反應)을 중심(中心)으로 -
I. purpose
The aim of this thesis is to present a suggestion to increase productivities and to vitalize workshop sports by developing deep consciousness and activities of physical education.
II. Method
I study this thesis by surveying a public opinion about consciousness of physical education, preference in sports, sports activities and systems of workshop sports for one thousand (m, foo, f, 5000 factory workers in Seoul.
III. Result
1. The results of this thesis show that about 83 percent of participants are interested in sports. 37 per of them exercise for their health and 31 per of them do for entertainment.
2. 15 per of the participants know about physical education very much and 51 per of them know about leisure sports best. About 55 per of participants like leisure sports best and 35 per of participants like a ball best too.
3. More than 24 per of participants choose climbing and 11 per of participants do swimming as their favorite sports. 48 per of participants enjoy their leisure time more than for 4 hours and 44 per of participants do about for 3 hours in weekdays. 40 per of participants enjoy their leisure time more than for 9 hours and 25 per of participants do about for 7 hours on sunday.
4. As their chief leisure activities. 48 per of participants meet their friends and 20 per of participants help their household affairs. 40 per of participants spend their leisure time about and hour per a time and 39 per of participants do about 2 hours per a time.
5. About 38 per of participants think that the sports facilities of their office are insufficient, but 38 per of managers have no plan to install sports facilities. 48 per of participants reply that they exercise for relaxing their stress 31 per of participants do for health.
6. 41 per of participants think managers deep consciousness as well as extension of installments is important to vitalize workshop sports.
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Research on the Health Circumstance about the Working High School Girls. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 산업체(産業體) 여고생(女高生)의 보건환경(保健環境) 실태조사(實態調査) 연구(硏究)
27(1) 57-69, 1988
Research on the Health Circumstance about the Working High School Girls. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 산업체(産業體) 여고생(女高生)의 보건환경(保健環境) 실태조사(實態調査) 연구(硏究)
This research-which was conducted to survey the status of health and sanitary environment of those worker-students attending special night school in Seoul and Uijengbu and to grasp what difficulties they face in their working sites and schools, whether they receive adequate nutrition, and what perception they have toward health and physical exercise-has reached the following conclusion :
1) There was disparity in terms of ages, home provinces, and professional careers of the surveyed sample in Seoul and Uijengbu.
2) There was difference between the two groups in view of the physical and metal state when they study while working.
3) There was disparity between the two groups in view of the physical and metal state when they study while working.
4) 71.1 percent of the surveyed students replied that they study even amid arduous circumstances because they want to be "human being worthy of human beings."
5) In terms of the quality of meals, 22percent of the surveyed students in "K" girls` commercial high school and 55.3 percent of the respondents in "H" girls` commercial high school pointed out many problems, thus showing the latter has more problems than the former.
6) There was difference between the two groups in terms of whether their nutrition in controlled under the guidance of a nutritionist.
7) In terms of chronic diseases caused by living environment, 35.7 percent of the respondents was found to suffer from invertebrate diseases.
8) There was difference their opinions toward relations between physical lessons and health.
9) There was disparity between the two groups in their views on whether they like physical exercise of not.
10) An absolute majority of the respondents said that their working environments is the greatest factor that undermines their health.
11) There was disparity in terms of relations between presently served meals and health.
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A Study on the Changes of Arousal Levels in Mental Practice of Dance 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용(舞踊)의 정신연습시(精神演習時) 각성수준(覺醒水準)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
27(1) 71-81, 1988
A Study on the Changes of Arousal Levels in Mental Practice of Dance 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용(舞踊)의 정신연습시(精神演習時) 각성수준(覺醒水準)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This study is to find out how mental practice performed to the music can finally increase the efficiency of dance training by observation of the changes of arousal levels in the following 3 cases as following:
1. "Mental practice" only ;
2. "Mental practice with music" ; and
3. "Actual practice with music".
The test was performed under the participation of 7 girl students majoring in Korean folk dance with career of 3 years or more, who had experienced mental training of dancing to the music usually. As apparatus, Heart-Rate-Checker 108 Telemetry System(made in Japan) was used. As music, Jajin-Mori-Ta Ryong was played, which was classified into Jajin-Mori-Jejari-huki, Jajin-Mori-Kunwon-Dolgi, Kidung-Dolki and Yonpugdae.
The major results obtained from the test are as follows :
1. Mental practice raises the arousal levels through the changes of heart-rate ;
2. Metal practice to the music raises the arousal levels more than mental practice without music, which are likely to approximate to those in case of actual practice ; and
3. Actual practice bring on cyclic changes of heart-rate nearly as much as mental practice does.
Thes results are consistant with theories of Mr. Egstrom(1964) and Mr. Kim(1983). In conclusion, I think this study will contribute to the betterment of art and skills in fields of dance training by conducting mental practice systematically.
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A Survey on University Students' Consciousness on their Health and Sports Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학생(大學生)의 건강(健康), 체육활동실태(體育活動實態) 및 의식(意識) 조사연구(調査硏究)
27(1) 83-113, 1988
A Survey on University Students' Consciousness on their Health and Sports Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 대학생(大學生)의 건강(健康), 체육활동실태(體育活動實態) 및 의식(意識) 조사연구(調査硏究)
The following conclusions have been obtained from the responses questionnaires consisted of 42 question, which were distributed to 485 students of S. Womens’ University and K. University in order to know University students’ Consciousness and the actual status of their healty and sports activities.
1. More than half of students(52.2%) believe that they healthy.(male P.E. majors, female P.E. majors, female non-P.E majors in order). (P.E.=Physical Education)
They believe that the gook way to keep a good health and good health and good physical fitness is the stress(31.8%)
They like to have taste and culture activities(39.5%), Whereas P.E. majors prefer sightseeing.
2. The most of students(68.2%) are having regular sports activities(2 or 3 times a month, male P.E. majors, female P.E. majors and non P.E. majors in order)
The main reasons for not having regular sports activities are first no time(40.7%) and second laziness(32.3%). They are interpreted to be able to have regular sports activities if they have time.
They usually take exercise with their friends(60.0%) 1 days a week(32.5%)(male P.E. majors-daily, female P.E. majors-2 or 3 days a week. female non-P.E. majors-1 day a week).
They take exercise more in the afternoon or evening(41.3%) than in the morning(25.5%). The average time per exercise is for 30 minutes to an hour.
Though they do not want to spend money for exercise(36.8%) (male P.E. students, female P.E. majors, female non-P.E. majors in order), \3,000-to \10,000, per month are spent(female non-P.E. majors, female P.E. majors, male P.E. majors in order).
They utilize mostly school facility as an exercise place and some other specialized sports facilities(34.7%) (female non-P.E. majors of S. Womens’ University, female P.E. majors of S. Womens’ University, male P.E. majors of K. University, female non-P.E. majors of K. University in order).
They utilize mostly school facility as an exercise place and some other specialized sports facitities(34.7%) (female non-P.E.majors of S. Womens’ University, female P.E. majors of S. Womens’ University, male P.E. majors of K. University, female P.E. majors of S. Womens’ University, female non-P.E. majors of K. Univesity in order).
3. The merit obtained through sports activities seems to give an enhancement in the physical fitness of all groups participating.
Though all groups deny the masculinization off women, male students majoring in physical education are more affirmative for the masculinization than female students.
4. Those students having good academic records in school are willing to participate positively in sports games and usually have good chances to gain the games.
They participate mainly in soccer games(male P.E. majors), volleyball games(female P.E. majors) and athlelic sports(female non-P.E. majors).
5. They like to view the games in the ground in the last 1 year(58.8%) They viewed most basketball games. They viewed the games for more than 5times in the last 1 year(30.1%) with their friend.(62.7%). They spent \3,000 to \5,000-(49%) for each admission. They thought that spectators’ observation manner was not in order.
6. The rate of watching live sports T.V. programs, which are shared for 30 to 240 minutes a week. is quite high (only 9.9% of respondents do not watch sports programs at all). Commentators’ explanation receives attention from T.V. watches(55.1%).
They often exchange opinions on sports(57.3%) and spend time for reading sports articles for 10 to 30 minutes a day(32.9%).
7. They have a good impression in sportsmen as professional (only 5.6% of respondents have different impression).
Their family want them to be sportsmen(31%) but some other family do not want then to be sportsmen(24.5%). Sportmen influence the youth a great deal(85%).
8. The events of sports which they have experience for and they can play are swimming, volleyball, tennis, basketball, badmington, athletic sports, tabletennis soccer, bowling, judo etc). Besides the above, events they like to have skiing, playing golf and horse-riding.
9. They think that the most important thing is to do their best(68.7%), and that referees give considerable iufluences on the games(87.1%).
The role of referees is believed to be important in the games.
10. They agree that the Olympic games will surely contribute to the establishment of international friendship and world peace(93%), for which male P. E. students are more affirmative than fermale students.
They support that our players are to be sent obroad for training to get more medals and a lot of money may be spent for invitation of good foreign players or teams(64.2%)
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A Study on the J. P. Sartre's Existentialismic thought of Physical Education. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사르트르(J. P. Sartre)의 실존주의적(實存主義的) 체육관(體育館)에 관한 고찰
27(1) 115-118, 1988
A Study on the J. P. Sartre's Existentialismic thought of Physical Education. 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사르트르(J. P. Sartre)의 실존주의적(實存主義的) 체육관(體育館)에 관한 고찰
J.P. Sartre is the representative philosopher of existentialim and one of the most influential thinker in 20 th century. His thought has been widespread throughout the world.
In this paper Sartre’s existentialism is regarded as giving the basis of philosophy of physical education. Special attention is given to as follows : ① Sartre’s theory of mind and body relationship : ② the definition of existence ; ③ the human situation projected into the absolute nothing and responsibility.
As shown above, Sartre’s theory can easily applicate the philosophy of physical education. According to Sartre, sports activity must alwary concentrate the self-realization and self-expression of the player himself. All of players must keep in mind their existential situation so throgh the game the game they may reach at the highest point of self-realization.
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A Study on the Frame and Principles of Korean Mask Dance and Play 인문 · 사회과학편 : 탈놀이의 구조와 원리
27(1) 119-130, 1988
A Study on the Frame and Principles of Korean Mask Dance and Play 인문 · 사회과학편 : 탈놀이의 구조와 원리
I have made a study of the formation and the characteristics of Korean Mask Dance and Play, the expansion and the process of each section, the type of the casts and the pattern of Masks for understanding the frame and the principles of Korean Dance and play.
The conculsions are as follows ;
·Korean Mask Dance and Play is originated in the Village Festival and has been changed to playing only Drama and Dance.
·Each section of Korean Mask Dance and Play grows independently without the law of causality.
·The contents of Korean Mask Dance and Play is based on the structure of the fight for the other sex.
·Korean Mask Dance and Play begins at the point of their life circle.
·Korean Mask Dance and Play is free from the condition of time and space.
·The players and spectators give and take mutually during playing the Dance and Dram.
·The casts stand for their own grades.
·In Korean Mask the complex characters of Casts are filled at the same time.
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Effect of the Physique Factor and the Vital Capacity on Body Endurance. 자연과학편 : 체격요인(體格要因)과 폐활량(肺活量)이 전신지구력(全身持久力)에 미치는 영향(影響) -남자대학생(男子大學生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
27(1) 133-150, 1988
Effect of the Physique Factor and the Vital Capacity on Body Endurance. 자연과학편 : 체격요인(體格要因)과 폐활량(肺活量)이 전신지구력(全身持久力)에 미치는 영향(影響) -남자대학생(男子大學生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
By measuring their physique and vital capacity and body endurance of the whole body regularly for 4 years on 1,280 male university students, this thesis selects 1,162 subjects except the students whose data are not well analyzed in the process of measuring them, and divides their physique and vital capacity in 2 parts: above the average and below the average. And by means of comparing their body endurance of the whole body with them, this thesis shows the following results.
1. In their body height and sitting height, the subjects above the average have come higher than the ones below the average, so the former has a better body endurance of the whole body.
2. In their body weight, the subjects above the average have come heavier than the ones below the average, but the latter generally has a better body endurance of the whole body.
3. In their vital capacity, the subjects above the average have come more than the ones below the average, so the former has a better body endurance of the whole body.
4. In their comparative body weight and sitting height, Rohrer’s substantial index, Kaup’s physique index, and Pelidisi’s nutrition index, the subjects below the average have a good result, so those who have thin subcutaneous fat and long lower limb bength have a letter body endurance of the whole body.
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Study of Three Movements in Classical Ballet (Ballet, Dance, Reaction Time) 자연과학편 : 고전(古典) 발레에서 세 가지 동작(動作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (발레, 댄스, 반응시간(反應時間))
27(1) 151-157, 1988
Study of Three Movements in Classical Ballet (Ballet, Dance, Reaction Time) 자연과학편 : 고전(古典) 발레에서 세 가지 동작(動作)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (발레, 댄스, 반응시간(反應時間))
The basic motion in ballet has not been changed for more than fifty years, the training for the classic ballet depended upon the teaching of leaders, and it was the actual fact that there was no data on the scientific analysis of the dancing motion.
1) Pearson Product Moment Coefficients were calculated to see how physical weights have effect on dancig.
2) It was revealed that this correlation is not significant. It seems, therefore, that it would not affect a comparison of the difference among groups.
3) When seen from reacting time measurements, considerable practing effects were found under saute and pointe conditions, while no significant difference was found between Bout 3 and Bout 4. (Pearson Product Moment Coefficients in Bout 3 and Bout 4 indicated, under all conditions, r=.93 and r=.93, respectively.
The fiture of Bout 4, therefore, was used for a comparison both among conditions, and groups.
The researches on ballet were limitted to aerobic, function measurement, nutritive condition, injury, menstrual irregularity, etc. It is important to understand and train how the training of canding affets the pattern of motion and to confirm the characteristics of dancers` athletic muscles function, etc. in order to settle and establish better training techanique.
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Effects of Exercise on the Renal Function, Plasma Renin Activity, Cortisol, ACTH and β-Endorphin Concentrations 자연과학편 : 운동후(運動後) 신장기능(腎臟機能), 혈장(血漿) Renin 활성도(活性度), Cortisol, Aldosterone, ACTH 및 β-Endorphin에 미치는 영향(影響)
27(1) 159-171, 1988
Effects of Exercise on the Renal Function, Plasma Renin Activity, Cortisol, ACTH and β-Endorphin Concentrations 자연과학편 : 운동후(運動後) 신장기능(腎臟機能), 혈장(血漿) Renin 활성도(活性度), Cortisol, Aldosterone, ACTH 및 β-Endorphin에 미치는 영향(影響)
This study was undertaken to clarify the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular, renal function and plasma humoral changes.
The results obtained were as follows ;
1. Plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were significantly increased after exercise.
2. Plasma levels of cortisol, ACTH, β-endorphin and insulin were not changed.
3. Plasma levels of electrolytes were not changed, but hematocrit was significantly decreased after exercise.
4. Urinary excretion of potassium was increased.
5. Mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were significantly increased during the exercise.
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A Study about Effection of Hip Circumference on the Capability of the Fundamental Moter Ability in Sports. 자연과학편 : 요위(腰圍)가 기초운동(基礎運動) 수행능력(遂行能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
유승면SeongMyonYou , 전충진ChungJinJun
27(1) 173-181, 1988
A Study about Effection of Hip Circumference on the Capability of the Fundamental Moter Ability in Sports. 자연과학편 : 요위(腰圍)가 기초운동(基礎運動) 수행능력(遂行能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
유승면SeongMyonYou , 전충진ChungJinJun
This study is purposed to observe how much effection does hip circumference has in the fundamental motor ability in sports. The subject of research was selected by ramdom sampling of 64 persons who were first(21), second(22), third(21) grade of D-high school in Seoul, in order to analyze and compare the correlation between the fundanmental motor ability and the measurement hip circumference domination the center of gravity and divided in two groups, high group and low group on the basis of hip circumference median which underwent t-test.
From the observation we con conclude as follows.
1. The higher grade proved to be good in characteristics of subject of all events.
2. M±SD of fundamental motor ability in each grade was in 1,2,3 order, V. S. was 49.25±6.70, 51.61±4.84, 49.00±4.07, S.B.T was 48.86±5.18, 51.68±6.16, 51.67±5.36, Burpee was 6.76±0.74, 7.25±0.51, 7.39±0.43, 50m R was 7.08±0.34, 6.96±0.27, 7.09±0.18. The second grade showed the good record in all events.
3. The correlationship of each category was V.J. r=0.46, S.B.T. r=0.25, Burpee, r=0.17, 50m R. r=0.44. The correlationship between hip c. and Burpee, S.B.T. showed some correlation or little correlation, and there was clear correlation between hip c. and V.J., 50m R. test.
4. As a result of t-test was V.J. t=1.53, S.B.T. t=1.34, Burpee t=2.23, 50m R, t=0.97, V.J., S.B.T. showed significance by 10% respectively(p<0.1), Burpee showed clear significance by 5% respectively(p<0.05), but there was little significance in 50m R. test.
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A Study on the estimation of maximum movement effects through the analysis of electrography in the elbow-joint flexion by load, flexion angle, secession degree. 자연과학편 : 부하(負荷), 굴곡각(屈曲角), 이탈범위(離脫範圍)에 따른 주관절굴곡(肘關節屈曲) 운동(運動)의 근전도(筋電圖) 분석(分析)을 통(通)한 최대운동(最大運動) 효과(效果) 추정(推定)
임용규YoungKyuLim , 최창국ChangKukChoi , 최은택EunTaikChoi
27(1) 183-191, 1988
A Study on the estimation of maximum movement effects through the analysis of electrography in the elbow-joint flexion by load, flexion angle, secession degree. 자연과학편 : 부하(負荷), 굴곡각(屈曲角), 이탈범위(離脫範圍)에 따른 주관절굴곡(肘關節屈曲) 운동(運動)의 근전도(筋電圖) 분석(分析)을 통(通)한 최대운동(最大運動) 효과(效果) 추정(推定)
임용규YoungKyuLim , 최창국ChangKukChoi , 최은택EunTaikChoi
The purpose of this study was to analyze action potential of the M. Biceps brachii, M. Triceps brachii, M. Brachioradialis, M. Pronator teres with an electromyography, to estimate for maxium movement effects during the elbow-joint flexion movement which were divided the secession, load, Angle also, experimental design mad up within-subject.
The conclusion were as follows:
1. The action potential of the M. Biceps brachii, M. Brachioradialis, M. Pronator teres showed the positive change according to increasing load into 3 ㎏, 5㎏, 7㎏.
2. The action potential of the M. Biceps brachii, M. Brachioradialis, showed significant according to increasing elbow-joint flexion angle into 30˚, 90˚, 120˚during the elbow-joint movement in a equal load.
3. The action potential of the M. Brachioradialis showed slight change according to increasing seccession, which were divided from the ine of center of gravity, into 10cm, 20cm, 30cm during the elbow-joint flexion movement in a equal load.
Sum up, in the elbow-joint flexion movement to attain the effect of maximum movement the load and flexion angle should be considered in the M. Biceps brachii, Load and Secession in the Brachioradialis, Load in the M. Pronator teres.
Key Words
A Study of Effect on Endurance Improvement by Composition Herb Medicine -The effect of Saeng-Maeg-San on the antifatigue activity and liver protective action- 자연과학편 : 복합생약(複合生藥)이 지구력(持久力) 향상(向上)에 미치는 영향(影響) -생맥산(生脈散)의 항(抗) 피로작용(疲勞作用) 및 간장(肝臟) 보호효과(保護效果)-
27(1) 193-200, 1988
A Study of Effect on Endurance Improvement by Composition Herb Medicine -The effect of Saeng-Maeg-San on the antifatigue activity and liver protective action- 자연과학편 : 복합생약(複合生藥)이 지구력(持久力) 향상(向上)에 미치는 영향(影響) -생맥산(生脈散)의 항(抗) 피로작용(疲勞作用) 및 간장(肝臟) 보호효과(保護效果)-
In the study, the effect of Saeng-Maeg-San(SMS) on the antifatigue activity and liver protective action were evaluated experimentally. The results were as follows :
1) In sloped plate test, SMS ext. (500 ㎎/㎏) significantly increased angle of sloped Plate to 8.90% after single medication, and SMS ext. (300 ㎎/㎏) significantly increased angle of sloped plate to 10.40% and 14.23%, respectively after 3 days and 7 days medication.
2) SMS ext. (300 ㎎/㎏ and 500 ㎎/㎏) significantly prolonged swimming time 37.9±4.12 min., and 40.2± 5.25 min., respectively after single medication, and SMS ext. (150 ㎎/㎏) significantly prolonged swimming time to 49.7±2.84 min after 7 days medication.
3) In rota-rod test, SMS ext. (300 ㎎/㎏ and 500 ㎎/㎏) significantly decreased the number of following times for 10 min. to 69.6% and 82.9%, respectively after single medication, and SMS ext (300 ㎎/㎏) significantly decreased the number of following time to 75.3% and 90.5%, respectively after 3 days and 7 day medication.
4) SMS ext. (300 ㎎/㎏) significantly inhibited s-GOT and s-GPT value of mouse liver after CCL₄-induced intoxication.
Key Words
A Study on Physique, Somatotype and Aerobic & Anaerobic Capacity in 12-to 17-Year-Old Boys 자연과학편 : 남자(男子) 중(中) · 고생(高生)의 체격(體格), 체형(體型) 및 유(有) · 무산소성(無酸素性) 운동능력(運動能力)에 관한 연구(硏究)
박철호ChulHoPark , 이철환ChulWhanLee
27(1) 201-212, 1988
A Study on Physique, Somatotype and Aerobic & Anaerobic Capacity in 12-to 17-Year-Old Boys 자연과학편 : 남자(男子) 중(中) · 고생(高生)의 체격(體格), 체형(體型) 및 유(有) · 무산소성(無酸素性) 운동능력(運動能力)에 관한 연구(硏究)
박철호ChulHoPark , 이철환ChulWhanLee
The study was applied to 244 middle & high school boys from 12 to 17 years.
Major objectivities of this study were to find out basic imformations for body structure, somatotype and aerobic & anaerobic capacity.
The results were is following ;
1. Physique
1) Skinfold and %Fat were in inverse proportion to their age(p<0.001).
2) Bone width, muscle girth, body density LBM were in proportion to their age(p<0.001).
3) Fatness components were lower than those of Japanese youth.
2. Somatotype
1) Mean somatotypes of age group were as following ;
· Group of 12 years : 2.66-3.74-3.31
· Group of 13 years : 2.59-3.79-3.25
· Group of 14 years : 2.59-3.86-3.24
· Group of 15 years : 2.58-4.15-2.89
· Group of 16 years : 2.44-4.24-3.08
· Group of 17 years : 2.22-4.27-3.22
2) Analysis of distribution under 13 somatotype categories showed that there were 184 boys in mesomorphy, 41 in endomorphy, 11 in ectomorphy and 8 in central type.
3) Height, weight, HWR, total skinfold, and LBM in mesomorphy were among middle class, but % Fat was the lowest in three somatotype components.
3. Effects of body structure and somatotype on aerobic & anaerobic capacity.
1) The higher their height and weight, the lower their body density, and stronger their muscle among three groups were, the better their anaerobic capacity was. They, however, had suitable % Fat.
2) The lower their height, total skinfold, %Fat, endomorphy, ectomorphy, and the higher their mesomorphy among three groups were, the better their aerobic capacity was. Their LBM, however, was similar to other groups.
Key Words
Effect of Leg-muscle Power on Work output on the Bicycle Ergometer 자연과학편 : 각근(脚筋) 파워가 자전차(自轉車) 에르고미터에서 수행(遂行)하는 작업(作業)에 미치는 영향(影響)
27(1) 213-221, 1988
Effect of Leg-muscle Power on Work output on the Bicycle Ergometer 자연과학편 : 각근(脚筋) 파워가 자전차(自轉車) 에르고미터에서 수행(遂行)하는 작업(作業)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of leg-muscle power in the work output which performed on the bicycle ergometer. Twenty students were selected from H university for this study.
Subjects were divided two groups according to strength and weakness after measuring for leg-muscle power. Changing of work output was investigated during subjects performed for pedaling on the bicycle ergometer with 20㎏ friction for 6 min. by groups.
The results were as follow;
1. Group I was significantly stronger than Group II with DM 52㎏·m/min.(3.6%) in the initial rate.(p<0.001).
2. Group I was significantly stronger than Group II with DM 76㎏·m/min.(5.8%) in the 6min, which was the longest performance time.(p<0.001).
3. Group I and Group II were showed total decrement with DM 126㎏·m/min.(9.06%) DM 150㎏·m/min.(11.21%) respectively for initial work output to end.
4. Within Group both were showed significantly difference in the course of performance time.(p<0.001).
5. In the decrement of work output from initial work output to 2 minutes as requested a momentary power in the sports scene, Group II declined larger than Group I with DM 6㎏·m/min. without any significance. This concluded with Group I. strong in a leg-muscle power was larger than Group II in the initial work output, and Group I decrement was less than Group II in the total work output.
Key Words
The Consideration of EMG in Balletic Motion 자연과학편 : Ballet 동작(動作)의 근전도적(筋電圖的) 고찰(考察)
27(1) 223-239, 1988
The Consideration of EMG in Balletic Motion 자연과학편 : Ballet 동작(動作)의 근전도적(筋電圖的) 고찰(考察)
I carried on this study when some ballet experts started action, analyzing the electric physical changes of 12 muscles of the lower limbes, in order to examine closely grasping the Movers of each motion and in accordance with that motion how each muscle was used. For the purpose of this study I selected the movements of Battement Tendu Jete, Grand Batterment Jete, Battements Frappes Pointes, Battemetns Soutenu, which enlarge the muscular movements and which are hard to keep the balance in various balletic motions.
The results of study are as follows:
1. The Movers of Battement Tendu Jete were under the control of M. Vastus medialis(right side), on the other hard M. vastus lateralis(right side), M. gastrocnemius worked in close cooperation.
2. The Movers of Grand Battement Jete were M. vastus medialis (right and left side), M. gastrocnemius(left) and M. biceps fermoris(right).
3. The Movers of Battements Frappee Pointes were M. vastus medialis (right and left side), M. gastrocnemius(left) and M. vastus medialis(right).
4. The Movers of Battement Soutenu were M. vastus medialis (right, left), M. gastrocnemius(right, left) and M. vastus latealis(left).
5. The use of muscles of left side was superior to right side in each movement, especially the muscular movements of left side were most demanded when Battement Soutenu movement was done.
6. When Battements Frappes Pointes, Battenment Tendu Jute movements were conducted, the muscule of left side acted in small.
Key Words
Changes of Heart Rate and Oxygen Consumption following Exercise 자연과학편 : 운동부하 후 시간 경과별 심박수 및 산소 섭취량의 변화
27(1) 241-248, 1988
Changes of Heart Rate and Oxygen Consumption following Exercise 자연과학편 : 운동부하 후 시간 경과별 심박수 및 산소 섭취량의 변화
The purpose of the study was to investigate the change of heart rate and oxygen consumption following exercise.
For this study, 3 college boxers were participated during 3 weeks.
The results were summarized as follows ;
1. There was no significant difference in the time course of VO₂following exorcise, between exercise and non-exercise protocal.
2. There was significant difference in the time course of heart rat from just after to 60 minutes after exercise in exercise group.
3. Oxygen consumption was morn increased exercise group than control group for 150 minutes after exercise, but have was no significant difference except 50 minutes after exercise.
Key Words
An Experimental Study of Planning Training Method for Special Endurance of Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 축구선수(蹴球選手)의 전문적(專門的) 지구력(持久力) Training 방법(方法)을 모색(摸索)하기 위(爲)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) Ⅰ
27(1) 249-262, 1988
An Experimental Study of Planning Training Method for Special Endurance of Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 축구선수(蹴球選手)의 전문적(專門的) 지구력(持久力) Training 방법(方法)을 모색(摸索)하기 위(爲)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) Ⅰ
Key Words
A Study on the Effect of Ginseng on the Physical Performance and Blood Component 자연과학편 : 인삼복용(人蔘服用)이 운동선수(運動選手)의 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力) 및 생화학적(生化學的) 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 이정국JungKookLee , 김종열ChongYulKim
27(1) 265-284, 1988
A Study on the Effect of Ginseng on the Physical Performance and Blood Component 자연과학편 : 인삼복용(人蔘服用)이 운동선수(運動選手)의 운동수행능력(運動遂行能力) 및 생화학적(生化學的) 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 이정국JungKookLee , 김종열ChongYulKim
This study was undertaken to examine the effect of Ginseng muscular strength and respiratory, circulation function. 23 soccer players at Kyung Hee University were divided into two groups, Experimental 13 players control 10 players each subject of Experimental group was given 8 g of ginseng powder per day 4 g in the morning and 4 g in the evening before the meal for the period of 12 weeks.
The effect of ginseng was measured in terms of their heart rate and ventilation, all out time, physical work capacity with cycle ergometer to evaluate the change in respiratory, circulations. Evaluation was made in four steps of pre-test before the experimental, post 1 test after 4 weeks, post 2 test after 8 weeks and post 3 test after 12 weeks.
The results are as follows;
1. As for the all out time, it was from per test M.11.36 min to 11.27 min(0.79%), 12.04 min(2.46%), 12.49 min(9.95%) in Experimental group and from pre test M.12.33 min to 11.58 min(-2.84%), 12.29 min(-0.32%), 13.00 min(2.19%) in Control group after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
2. As for the physical work capacity it was from test M. 8.44 min to 8.28 min(-1.90%), 9.33 min (5.81%), 9.58 min(13.51%) in Experimental group and from pre test M. 8.42 min to 8.31 min(-1.31%), 9.19 min(4.39%), 9.31 min(5.82%) in Control group after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
3. As for the heart rate of rest, a decrease was revealed in Experimental group from pre test M. 71.36 beats/min to 70.87 beats/min (0.69%), 69.87 beats/min(2.09%), 67.99 beats/min (4.72%), but and increase or decrease was revealed 69.51 beats/min(3.64%), 64.35 beats/min(4.06%), 65.66 beats/min(2.10%) after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
4. As for the Max. heart rate exercise, a decrease was revealed in Experimental group from pre test M. 190.33 beats/min to 189.48 beats/min (0.45%), 186.41 beats/min(2.06%), 185.16 beats/min(2.72%) but a decrease or increase M. 189.93 beats/min to 190.30 beats/min(0.19%), 189.83 beats/min(-0.05%)(190.10%) after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
5. Thus as for the overall heart rate of rest and exercise, significantly decrease was revealed in Experimental group specially after 12 weeks.
6. No significant change was notice in the heart rate of recovery in both group.
7. As for the ventilation rest an increase was revealed in both group, from pre test M. 11.82 ℓ/min to 11.70 ℓ/min(-0.02%). 12.45 1/min(5.33%), 12.84 ℓ/min(8.63%) in Experimental group and from pre test M. 11.25 ℓ/min to 10.861,/min(-3.47%). 11 58 ℓ/min(2.93%), 11.61 ℓ/min(3.20%) in control group after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
8. As for the max, ventilation of exercise, an increase or decrease was revealed in both groups, from pre test 124.52 ℓ/min to 123.60 ℓ/min(-0.74%), 144.48 ℓ/min(16.03%), 138.12 ℓ/min(10.92%) in Experimental group and from pre test 125.96 ℓ/min to124.97 ℓ/min(-0.76%), 128.26 ℓ/min(1.83%), 132.58 ℓ/min(5.26%) in Control group after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
9. No significant difference was noticed in ventilation of recovery in both groups.
10. As for the max, ventilation of exercise, an increase or decrease was revealed in both groups, from pre test 124.52ℓ/min to 123.60 1/min(-0.74%). 144.48 ℓ/min(16.03%), 138.12 ℓ/min(10.92%) in Experimental group and front pre test 125.96 ℓ/min to 124.97min(-0.76%), 128.26 ℓ/min(1.83%), in control group after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, respectively.
11. No significant difference was noticed in blond in both groups. As mentioned above was generalization, the heart rate of rest, the heart rate exercise and the max heart rate more decrease was revealed, and as for the ventilation, all out PWC170 were growth was revealed in Experimental group than in Control group.
Key Words
An Analytical Study on Physique, Somatotype and Body Composition for '88 National Players 자연과학편 : 각종(各種) 운동선수(運動選手)의 체격(體格) · 체형(體型) · 신체구성(身體構成)의 분석연구(分析硏究) -'88국가대표선수(國家代表選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
양주철JooChulYang , 이철환ChulWhanLee
27(1) 285-312, 1988
An Analytical Study on Physique, Somatotype and Body Composition for '88 National Players 자연과학편 : 각종(各種) 운동선수(運動選手)의 체격(體格) · 체형(體型) · 신체구성(身體構成)의 분석연구(分析硏究) -'88국가대표선수(國家代表選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
양주철JooChulYang , 이철환ChulWhanLee
This study was applied to 82 male national players in 6 events, 42 female players in 4 events and 99 non-athletes of both sexes.
The main purposes of this study were to analyze basic informations for physique, somatotype and body composition of national players in comparision with Olympic players non-athletes.
The results were as following:
1. General characteristics and physique
(1) The average age of total players was 20.9 years of age for male, 18.6 for female, but the average of age of each events was more and less different with sports events. The average age of all sports was younger than that of Olymic players. In paticular, the age difference of national yacht from Olympic yacht players as more than 10 years.
(2) The career of total players was 7.3 years for male, 7.5 for female, The career of badminton and baseball players were more than of other events.
(3) Physiques of Olmpic players were getting bigger year after year.
(4) Length, body weight, breadth and girth of national players were smaller than those of Olympic player, but skinfold thickness of national players was thicker than that of Olympic players.
(5) Physique of national rower was the biggest of all events. The sizes of body segments of players had unique characteristics with sports events.
2. Somatotype
(1) There was a typical sportsman somatotype with sports events.
(2) Mesomorphy component of male players was the highest of three components, endomorphy followed it, ectomorpohy was the lowest. Index difference between endomorhpy and mesomorphy was lower than expected.
(3) Endomorphy component of female rowers and badminton players was higher than other.
(4) Mean somatotype of both sexes was endomorphic mesomorph or mesomorph endomorphy Second component of national players was lower than that of Olympic players, but first component was higher.
(5) Analysis of distribution under 13 somatotype categories showed that there were 71.8% of total players(male:76.8%, female:61.9%) in mesomorph endomorphy and endomorphic mesomorph type that were not desirable somatotype for sportsman.
3. Body composition
(1) HWR of national players was lower than that of Olympic players.
(2) HWR of male canoeists, and badminton players of both sexes were higher than that of others.
(3) Body density and LBM of canoeists were the biggest of all male sports events, and cyclist, yacht players, badminton players, baseball players, rowers followed it in order. Those of national badminton plays were the biggest of all female sports events, canoeists, cyclist, junior national badminton players, rowers followed it in order.
(4) Body fat of national players showed that there was diametrically opposed to IBM. On the whole national players had much body fat.